How to replace a toilet cistern
The cistern is one of the main elements of your toilet – the tank that stores the water that flushes through your toilet bowl and down into pipes and your plumbing system. It’s the bit that generally sits either just above your toilet bowl in older systems, or behind or underneath it in more modern toilets. It can also be concealed in a cabinet or wall, and might be referred to as a tank. There is always a flush button attached to it.
Signs Your Cistern Needs to be Replaced
Cisterns can occasionally become damaged, whether through human fault or through an error in the design or installation. They can become cracked or break off at the top in older models, and if you notice any leaking from the cistern – you’ve got a problem!
Cracks are most common in older toilet models, and often occur simply due to age and general wear. They can also appear when a bad repair is done – either by an unqualified plumber or in a DIY job that goes wrong. Repairing a toilet cistern is akin to repairing an entire toilet system, and should be approached with care. Cracks can also be seen when unfortunate accidents occur, and plumbers have seen it all: from dropping a hair dryer on an old toilet cistern to a crack appearing after someone slips and hits the toilet after getting out of a shower.
Leaks occur not long after a crack appears in a cistern. Often it may seem like one small crack won’t have much of an effect on your toilet, and you may not see an initial fallout. But, any crack in a cistern is going to cause problems down the line, and it usually begins with a leak. If a crack starts out small, it generally grows larger and other cracks may grow from it – like veins on a leaf. As soon as a leak begins, you will not only be doing further damage to the toilet by not repairing it, your floor may also get damaged and if the bathroom is on a second storey, may leak through the roof and damage the ceiling.
How to fix it
Replacing a toilet cistern isn’t an easy fix – it requires knowledge of plumbing systems, a fair amount of time, and a number of different tools. Improperly installed plumbing can cause significant property damage as well as cause health risks to your family. This is why WA has regulations around who can perform such work. All plumbing work in WA is legally required to be done by a licensed plumber.
At Tap Doctor WA Plumbing & Gas, we always recommend getting a qualified and experienced plumber around to fix up any plumbing problems: particularly when related to your toilet! Our Perth plumbers know how to safely replace all toilet cisterns and always ensure that a system is fixed and in place while providing advice on avoiding problems in the future. Get in touch with us today via our website or on 1300 130 827 to get your toilet fixed up fast!